Tuesday 5 June 2012

Cooking on Biogas Video

Cooking on (Bio)Gas!

I now approach the end of my Masters. In the past year I have been solely focusing on my project, the METABIN: a home bio-digester.

As part of the research I decided to make my own biogas out of food waste from the school’s canteen.

Just to clarify this bio-digester isn’t my actual design response it’s just a test piece to help me understand how Anaerobic Digestion works.

It seemed easy to get it going but it wasn’t. To make biogas you need to inoculate your digester with the right bacteria. After a few tries I managed to succeed using inoculum from another digester. Once the bacteria were happy and warm it was easy, peasy. I now have a steady gas production.

This video below shows the saga of biogas making: the initial trials, the retro-fitting of the digester, the inoculation, the cooking. And eating. (In case you are wondering, no, it doesn’t taste bad, and yes, I am still alive.)

Soon I will be posting more about the actual design project.

Thanks for watching!